Judith Arzave Ramirez
Why is Judith Arzave Ramírez working with Roberto Magaña Orozco? Below is a photo of Jaqueline Reyes Castillo signing an interview with Judith Arzave Ramírez. Judith Arzave Ramírez was my public defender. Why is Roberto Magaña Orozco here to take a photo? Why did Judith Arzave Ramírez allow Roberto Magaña Orozco to take a photo of a court document in which he was not involved? Why did Judith Arzave Ramírez give Roberto Magaña Orozco access to her computer files? Is the laptop the gift I was forced to buy for her?
Roberto Magana Orozco on Judith Arzave Ramirez
Why was Roberto Magana Orozco accessing my files? How did he get them? Why was he preventing me from speaking to my public defender? Why did you make me pay my public defender? Was Judith Arzave Ramirez giving my files to Roberto Magana Orozco?
Jaqueline Reyes Castillo, Roberto Maganga and Judith Azarve Ramirez
Why were there three interviews? Why did all the interviews mention different facts? Why was the date on the document the same for all three when they were made at different times? Where are the two previous interviews? Did Judith Arzave falsely date legal documents? Did Judith Arzave delete the first two interviews?
According to messages from Roberto Magana Orozco the Minsterio Publico Juan Carlos Degollado Rodríguez was a close friend and was working with him. The messages indicate the Juan Carlos Degollado Rodríguez was at these interviews helping Roberto Magana Orozco in his illegal activities.